

Page history last edited by Thomas Gall 11 years, 8 months ago

Economics Seminars 2012-13

Wednesday 16.00-17.30, location: tba


Date Field
Speaker & affiliation  Title 
04/10/2012  E

Kees Jan van Garderen 

(University of Amsterdam)

Conditional Bimodality in a Simple Structural Equations Model 
10/10/2012  Mi 

Andrea Ichino 

(Universita' di Bologna)

When the baby cries at night: Uninformed and hurried buyers in non-competitive markets (by Giacomo Calzolari, Andrea Ichino, Francesco Manaresi and Viki Nellas).

Paper: http://www2.dse.unibo.it/ichino/new/research_progress/baby.pdf 

17/10/2012  Ma   Jonathan Halket (Essex) 

Do Households Use Homeownership To Insure Themselves? Evidence Across U.S. CitiesWith Michael Amior.


24/10/2012  A Georges Siotis (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid and EU Task Force for Greece)
Structural reforms in Greece: in for the long haul?
31/10/2012  E    
07/11/2012  A Barbara Petrongolo (Queen Mary)


Mi Yiannis Vailakis (Exeter)

Sovereign debt: Forgiving and forgetting reconsidered 

21/11/2012 Ma  Sevi Mora (Edinburgh)  
28/11/2012 Mi Peter Eso (Oxford)    TBA 
05/12/2012 Ma Steve Lugauer (Notre Dame)   TBA 
12/12/2012 E    
Christmas break
09/01/2013 Mi Jean-Pierre Benoit (LBS)  TBA 
16/01/2013 A Robin Mason (University of Exeter Business School) TBA
23/01/2013 A Michel Beine (Luxembourg) 
30/01/2013 Ma Sekyu Choi (UAB)   TBA 
06/02/2013 Ma Ethan Ilzetzki (LSE)   TBA 
13/02/2013 Mi Francesco Squintani (Warwick)  TBA 
20/02/2013 E    
27/02/2013 Ma Francisco Gomes (LBS)    TBA 
06/03/2013   Shouyoung Shi (UToronto) Liquidity, Assets and Business Cycles


13/03/2013 Mi Sayantan Ghosal (Warwick)  TBA 
Easter break
17/04/2013 Ma Elisa Faraglia (CAM)   TBA 
24/04/2013 Mi Dino Gerardi (Collegio Carlo Alberto)  TBA 
01/05/2013 A Frederic Docquier (Université Catholique de Louvain) TBA 
08/05/2013 Ma Pascal Michaillat (LSE)  TBA 
15/05/2013 Mi Syngjoo Choi (UCL)   TBA 
22/05/2013 A Matthias Parey (Essex) Nonparametric Estimation of a Heterogeneous Demand Function under Restrictions of Consumer Theory
29/05/2013 E Andrew Chesher (UCL)  Generalized instrumental variable models 
05/06/2013 E Valentina Corradi (Warwick)   
12/06/2013 E Rustam Ibragimov (Imperial)   

















Economics Seminars 2011-12


01 27/09/2011 Ma

Per Krusell (Institute for International Economic Studies,
Stockholm University)

Labour Supply, Frictions and the Business Cycle  


02 05/10/2011 Mi

Ian Jewitt (Oxford)

Title & Link:  Adverse Selection with Multivariate Public and Private Information


03 12/10/2011 Ma

Ahu Gemici (NYU)

Title & Link:   Marriage and Cohabitation.

With Steve Laufer


04a 18/10/2011






Alex Gershkov (Hebrew U. of Jerusalem)



"Optimal Search, Learning and


19/10/2011 A

Michele Belot (Oxford)


"Cognitive Discrimination - A Benchmark Experimental Study"





05  26/10/2011 A

Chris Ksoll (Oxford)

Mobiles and Mobility:

The Effect of Mobile Phones on Migration in Niger 



06 02/11/2011 E

Rob Taylor (Nottingham)                       

Title & Link:   Bootstrap Determination of the Cointegration Rank in VAR Models                      








































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07 09/11/2011 Mi

Daniele Condorelli (Essex)

Title & Link:   Bilateral Trading in Networks


08 16/11/2011 Mi

Francesco Squintani (Warwick)

Title & Link:   Strategic Information Acquisition and Transmission 

09 23/11/2011 E

Emmanuel Guerre (Queen Mary)


10 30/11/2011 Ma   Luca Oppromolla  (Banco de Portugal)

Title & Link:   TBA



11 07/12/2011 E Dennis Kristensen (UCL, Columbia)  

Indirect Likelihood Inference 







Mi Nizar Allouch (QM)


"On the private provision of public goods on networks"





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Christmas break


13 11/01/2012 E (A)  

Eleonora Patacchini (Rome) 

14 18/01/2012 A Victoria Prowse (Cornell)


Longevity, Life-cycle Behavior and Pension Reform



15 25/01/2012 Ma  

Liam Graham (UCL)


Title & Link: TBA 

16 01/02/2012 Ma Michael Haliassos (Goethe University Frankfurt) 

Title & Link: TBA 

17 08/02/2012 Mi

Johannes Spinnewijn (LSE)

Heterogeneity, Demand for Insurance and AdverseSelection 






Alexei Onatski (Cambridge, Columbia)

Asymptotic power of sphericity tests for high-dimensional data 










Marco Ottaviani (Bocconi)


"Project Bundling"


19b     22/02/2012              Ma               Mike Elsby (Edinburgh)                      

Title & Link: TBA                                           


20 29/02/2012 A

Stephen Machin (UCL)

Rising Wage Inequality

and Postgraduate Education


21 07/03/2012 Mi

Flavio Toxvared (Cambridge)

The Optimal Control of Infectious Diseases

via Prevention and Treatment



22 14/03/2011 Ma Wouter Den Haan (LSE)

Title & Link: TBA














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Easter Break


23 18/04/2012 Ma Martin Ellison (Oxford)

Title & Link: TBA 

24 25/04/2012 A Sascha Becker (Warwick)

Title & Link: TBA 



02/05/2012 Ma Jeremy Lise (UCL)  

Title & Link: TBA 



26 09/05/2012 Mi Theodoros Diasakos (Collegio Carlo Alberto)

Title & Link: 

Efficient Nash Equilibrium under Adverse Selection







27 16/05/2012 A Johannes Abeler (Oxford)

Title & Link: TBA 



28 23/05/2012 E


Shin Kanaya (Oxford) 

A nonparametric test for stationarity in continuous-time Markov processes 





30/05/2012 E  

Francesco Bravo (York)

Varying coefficients partially linear models with missing responses 




30 06/06/2012 E Name & Affiliation: TBA 

Title & Link: TBA 

31 13/06/2012 E Name & Affiliation: TBA

Title & Link: TBA 








Economics Seminars 2010-11


01 29/09/2010 Ma

Name & Affiliation: Thomas Baudin, Universite Catholique de Louvain, CORE

Title & Link:  

"The Optimal Tradeoff between Quality and Quantity under uncertain child survival"

02 06/10/2010 Mi

Name & Affiliation: Subir Bose, Leicester

Title & Link:   





AT 16:00


Name & Affiliation: Asher Wolinsky, Northwestern

Title & Link:   Search with Adverse Selection 

04 13/10/2010 E

Donated to Mi and Moved to MONDAY 11/102010 at 4.00

05 20/10/2010 Ma

Name & Affiliation: Jesper Bagger, Royal Holloway 

Title & Link:  "Wage and Productivity Dispersion: The Roles of Rent Sharing, Labor Quality, and Capital Intensity" 



06 03/11/2010 E Name & Affiliation: Andreea Halunga, Exeter 

Title & Link:  "Consistent Model Specification Testing " (co-authored with James Davidson).



























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07 10/11/2010 Ma

Matthias Kredler, Carlos III

Title & Link: "Altruistically motivated transfes under uncertainty," with D. Barczyk 

08 17/11/2010 Mi

Heracles Polemarchakis, Warwick


09 24/11/2010 E

Takashi Yamagata, York 

Title & Link: 

10 01/12/2010 Ma Matthias Messner, Bocconi University 

Title & Link: CANCELLED 

11 08/12/2010 E Name & Affiliation: 

Title & Link:   

11a 14/12/2010 L

Carmit Segal, UPF

Title & Link:  TBA

**Note: TUESDAY seminar**

12 15/12/2010 Mi John Quah, Oxford

Title & Link:  Aggregating the single crossing property:

theory and applications to comparative statics and Bayesian games

Quah & Strulovici.pdf


Christmas break


13 12/01/2011 Ma

Hamish Low, University of Cambridge 
Title & Link: 

14 18/01/2011 SSC

Andrea Ichino, U. of Bologna (confirmed)

Don’t spread yourself too thin.

14 19/01/2011 Mi

Jan Boone, Tilburg

Title & Link: Optimal Market Design

14 20/01/2011 SSC

Felix Kubler, U. of Zurich

Collateral Requirements and Asset Prices

**Note: THURSDAY seminar**

15 24/01/2011 SSC

John Wooders, U. of Arizona

Auctions with Heterogeneous Entry Costs

**Note: MONDAY seminar**

15 25/01/2011 LECT

10:30-11:15: Andreas Mueller

    Separations, Sorting and Cyclical Unemployment

11:20-12:05: Yuval Heller

    Overcondence and Diversication 

17:30-18:15: Chiara Binelli

    The Market Returns to Private High Schools: Evidence from Mexico

15 26/01/2011 Ma

Nigar Hashimzade, University of Reading 


15 27/01/2011 SSC

Yoram Halevy, UBC

Uncertainty and Compound Lotteries: Calibration

**Note: THURSDAY seminar**

15a 31/01/2011 SSC

Harry Paarsch, Melbourne

Competition and Post-Transplant Outcomes 

**Note: MONDAY seminar**

16 02/02/2011 E

Gael Martin, Monash,

Title & Link: Probabilistic Forecasts of Volatility and its Risk Premia




09/02/2011 Mi

John Van Reenen, LSE  
Title & Link: 

18 16/02/2011 AE Milo Bianchi, Paris Dauphine University

Title & Link: Liquidity, Risk, and Occupational Choices Finance and Entrep.pdf


  19 23/02/2011 Ma

Roman Sustek, Nottingham

Title & Link: 

  20 02/03/2011 Mi

Jayant Ganguli, Cambridge University 

Title "The price impact of ambiguous private information"

Personal webpage: http://people.pwf.cam.ac.uk/jvg24/

  21 09/03/2011 Ma David de la Croix, Universite Catholique de Louvain

Title & Link: 

  22 16/03/2011 Mi

Ben Lockwood, Warwick

Title & Link: How should Financial Intermediation Services be Taxed?




23/03/2011 Ma

Chuck Manski, Northwestern

Title & Link: TBA, http://faculty.wcas.northwestern.edu/~cfm754/


  24 30/03/2011 Mi Asen Kochov, Bonn University  

"A Definition of Unforeseen Contingencies" 

 Personal webpage



4pm 3017


Gang Sun, University of Oslo

Complete Markets Strikes Back: Revisiting Risk Sharing Tests under Preference Heterogeneity



Easter Break


25 04/05/2011 AE

Christopher Woodruff, University of Warwick

Title & Link: When is capital enough to get female microenterprises growing? Evidence from a randomized experiment in Ghana

26 11/05/2011 E

Rob Sauer, U. of Bristol

Title & Link: "Does it pay for women to volunteer?"

27 18/05/2011 E Gabriel Desgranges, U. de Cergy-Pontoise, THEMA, PSE   

Title & Link: "P-Stable Equilibrium: Definition and Some Properties" (with Sayantan Ghosal, U. of Warwick)  DesgrangesGhosal.pdf

28 25/05/2011 E

Peter Phillips, Yale U. (POSTPONED - Peter needs surgery in NZ)

Title & Link: 



01/06/2011 Ma

Arpad Abraham, EUI

Title & Link: 

30 08/06/2011 Mi Name & Affiliation: Carmine's guest 

Title & Link: 





Economics Seminars 2009-10

01 16/09/2009 Mi Gianni De Fraja, Leicester, "The Design of the University System" (joint with P.
02 23/09/2009 Mi

Juan Carillo, USC, "Measuring attention and strategic behavior in games with
private information" (joint with I. Brocas, C.F. Camerer S.W. Wang)

Isabelle Brocas, USC. "Auctions with type-dependent and negative externalities: the optimal mechanism"

03 08/10/2009 Mi Sjaak Hurkens, Barcelona, "A Retail Benchmarking Approach to Efficient Two-Way Access Pricing" (joint with Doh-Shin Jeon)
04 14/10/2009 Mi

Luca Rigotti, Duke-Fuqua, "Uncertainty in Mechanism Design"


05 21/10/2009 Mi Miltos Makris, Leicester, "Reputational bidding" (joint with F. Giovannoni)
06 28/10/2009 Ma Kenneth Burdett, Essex, "Equilibrium Wage/Tenure Contracts With On-The-Job Learning And Search"
07 04/11/2009 Mi Andrea Galeotti, Essex, TBA
08 11/11/2009 E Rob Taylor, Nottingham, TBA [MOVED TO TUESDAY WORKSHOP SLOT AT 12.30]
09 18/11/2009 E Emmanuel Guerre,    Queen Mary,  Adaptive rate-optimal detection of small autocorrelation coefficients


15 27/01/2010 Mi CANCELLED!
16 03/02/2010 E

Ian Crawford, Oxford. "How demanding is demand theory?".

17 10/02/2010 Mi Ludovic Renou, Leicester, "Mechanism Design and Communication Networks."              


  17/02/10 Ma Paul Beaudry, Oxford
18 24/02/2010 Ma

Sanna Nurmikko, Southampton, "Survival of Political Leadership"

19 03/03/2010 Mi Alberto Bennardo, Salerno
20 10/03/2010 Ma

Ramon Marimon, EUI, TBA

21 17/03/2010 Mi Stephane Gauthier, Paris PSE, TBA.                                                                                                                 
Easter Break?
22 21/04/2010 Mi

Giovanni Cespa, QMW, TBA - CANCELLED!




 Phillip Kircher, Oxford/Penn , TBA













Christoph Kuzmics, Northwestern,  NOTE TUESDAY SEMINAR, 1300 - 1430, Room 4121

Most selective evolution and backward induction


Charles Bellemare, Université Laval, "On the Relevance and Composition of Gifts within the
Firm: Evidence from Field Experiments",  [PDF]

25 10/05/2010 Ma

Assaf Razin, Cornell, Migration and the Welfare State: Dynamic
Political-Economy Theory (Monday) razinsadkasuwankirifpapermarch2010.pdf

26 19/05/2010 E


Peter Phillips, Xing Wang, Ionnis Kasparis, Violetta Dalla, and Liudas Giraitis                                                                                                                  

27 26/05/2010 E Nour Meddahi, Toulouse Title TBA  (tentative)


Mi Simon Board, UCLA, TBA
29 09/06/2010 Mi Miguel Costa-Gomes, University of Aberdeen Business School
Beliefs and actions in the trust game: creating instrumental variables to estimate the causal effect
30 16/06/2010 ?


31  23/06/2010  Mi  Amanda Friedenberg Arizona State University                                                                                                                      

Economics Seminars 2008-09


01 08/10/2008 Ma John Kennes, Aarhus,Title: Equilibrium Non-Parametric Wage Disparity
02 15/10/2008 E Grant Hillier, Southampton, Some recent results on hypothesis testing in IV regression
03 22/10/2008 Ma Josep Pijoan-Mas,CEMFI,The Effects of Labor market Conditions on Working Time: The US-EU experience
04 29/10/2008 Mi Daniel Sgroi, Warwick, Title: Rational Herding and Contrarianism in Financial Markets in Exogenous and Endogenous Time
05 05/11/2008 E Qiwei Yao, LSE (Stats) Title: Modelling High Dimensional Daily Volatilities Based on High-Frequency Data
06 12/11/2008 Mi Matthias Messner, Bocconi
07 19/11/2008 Ma Cancelled
08 26/11/2008 E Pentti Saikkonen, Helsinki, Modeling Expectations with Noncausal Autoregressions
09 03/12/2008 Mi Tore Ellingsen, Stockholm School of Economics
10 10/12/2008 Ma Huberto Ennis,Universidad Carlos 3,Commitment and EquilibriumHagedorn TimeTable.doc Bank Runs


11 14/01/2009 E Sokbae Lee, UCL
12 22/01/2009 Mi Paolo Ghirardato , Turin, "Ambiguity and Asset Markets: Theory and Experiment"
13 04/02/2009 Ma Morten O. Ravn,Southampton, Title:The Aggregate Effects of Anticipated and Unanticipated U.S. Tax Policy Shocks: Theory and Empirical Evidence
14 11/02/2009 E Cancelled - Fog!
15 18/02/2009 Mi Rocco Macchiavello, Oxford "Guns'n'Roses: Contractual Relationships, Ethnic Violence and Kenyan Flower Exports"
16 25/02/2009 Mi Simon Gaechter, Nottingham "Performance Incentives and the Dynamics of Voluntary Cooperation" Schedule: meeting
17 04/03/2009 E Paolo Paruolo, ISPRA "Structured Multivariate Volatility Models,
18 11/03/2009 Mi Steve Bond, Oxford
19 18/03/2009 Ma Marcus Hagedorn, Zurich, "Wages over the Business Cycle: Spot Markets?"
20 24/03/2009 E Manuel Arellano, CEMFI, Title TBA NOTE: TUESDAY SEMINAR< TIME TBA


21 22/04/2009 E Luisa Fuster, IMDEA,Madrid
22 29/04/2009 Mi Henrik J. Kleven, LSE
23 06/05/2009 Ma Andres Erosa, IMDEA,Madrid
24 13/05/2009 E  
25 20/05/2009 Mi Luis Cabral,, NYU
26 27/05/2009 Ma

Guillaume VandenBroucke, Iowa


  02/06/2009 Ma Paul Klein, Western Ontario. NOTE: TUESDAY SEMINAR, TIME: 4pm. Schedule
27 03/06/2009 E Alastair Hall, Manchester, "Estimation and Inference in Unstable Nonlinear Least Squares models"
  04/06/2009 Mi

Chris Wallace, Oxford, "Endogenous Information Acquisition in Coordination Games with Multiple Signals"


28 10/06/2009 Mi Melvyn Coles , Essex Equilibrium Wage/Tenure Contracts With On-The-Job Learning And Search
29 17/06/2009 Ma Barbara Petrongolo,LSE


Economics Seminars 2007-08


01 03/10/2007 Ma Mark Wright, UCLA
02 10/10/2007 E Hans Hvide, Aberdeen
03 18/10/2007 Mi Emanuel Ornelas, LSE
04 23/10/2007 Ma Igor Livshits, Western Ontario
05 31/10/2007 Mi Roberta DESSI, Toulouse
06 07/11/2007 Mi Piero Gottardi, Venice
08 14/11/2007 Ma Mike Golosov, MIT
09 21/11/2007 Mi Marek Weretka, Wisconsin
10 22/11/2007 Mi Marzena J. Rostek, Wisconsin
11 28/11/2007 E Imran Rasul, UCL - Canceled
12 05/12/2007 Ma Andri Chassambouli, University of Cyprus
13 12/12/2007 E Anastasios Magdalinos, University of Nottingham


14 16/01/2008 E Raffaella Giacomini, UCL
15 23/01/2008 Ma Silvana Tenreyro, LSE
16 30/01/2008 E Marco Manacorda, QMUL
17 06/02/2008 E Raymond Kan, Toronto
18 07/02/2008 E Raymond Kan, Toronto, special lecture 14:00-15:00 Room 1065
19 13/02/2008 Ma Jeremy Lise , UCL
20 14/02/2008 E Tim Fry, RMIT, special lecture 16:00-17:00 Room 3017
21 20/02/2008 Ma Stephen Wright, Birkbeck
22 27/02/2008 E Myung Seo, LSE
23 05/03/2008 Mi Ignacio Palacios-Huerta, LSE
24 12/03/2008 Mi Rossella Argenziano, Essex


25 16/04/2008 E Victoria Prowse, Oxford
26 23/04/2008 Ma Alex Michaelides, LSE
27 30/04/2008 Ma Michele Tertilt, Stanford
28 07/05/2008 E Jean Imbs, HEC Lausanne - Cancelled
29 08/05/2008 Ma Rui Castro, U. Montreal
30 14/05/2008 Mi Maitreesh Ghatak, LSE
31 21/05/2008 Mi Antonio Guarino, UCL
32 28/05/2008 E Nicola Tosini, University of Pennsylvania
33 04/06/2008 Ma Eva Carceles-Poveda, SUNY Stony Brook
34 10/06/2008 Ma Dirk Krueger, University of Pennsylvania
35 18/06/2008 Ma Steeve Mongrain, SFU




Economics Seminars 2006-07


1 04/10/2006 E Christian Belzil, CNRS, France
  11/10/2006   Roll Lecture
2 18/10/2006 Ma John Hassler, IIES, Sweden
3 25/10/2006 Mi Ronny Razin, LSE
4 01/11/2006 Mi Viral Acharya, LBS
5 08/11/2006 Ma Vicente Cuñat, Pompeu Fabra, Spain
6 15/11/2006 Mi Christopher Harris, Cambridge
7 22/11/2006 E Fabien Postel-Vinay, Bristol, UK
8 29/11/2006 Ma  
9 06/12/2006 E Jean-Marc Robin, UCL, UK
10 13/12/2006 E Marco Francesconi, Essex, UK


11 17/01/2007 Mi Volker Nocke, U. Penn, USA
12 24/01/2007 E John Earle, CEU, Hungary
13 31/01/2007 Ma  
14 07/02/2007 Mi  
15 14/02/2007 Ma  
16 21/02/2007 E Gema Zamarro, Tilburg, The Netherlands
17 28/02/2007 Mi Martin Cripps, UCL
18 07/03/2007 Ma Joao Ejarque, Essex, UK
19 14/03/2007 E Andrew Harvey, Cambridge, UK


20 18/04/2007 E Laura Mayoral, Pompeu Fabra, Spain
21 25/04/2007 Ma Juan Carlos Conesa, Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona, Spain
22 02/05/2007 E Bas van der Klaauw, Free University in Amsterdam, The Netherlands
23 09/05/2007 E Hashem Pesaran, Cambdridge, UK
24 16/05/2007 Ma Samuel Danthine, UQAM, Canada
25 23/05/2007 Mi Andrea Prat, LSE
26 30/05/2007 Mi Roger Guesnerie, Paris
27 06/06/2007 Mi  









  • Example:


5 08/11/2006 Ma Robert Lucas**, University of Chicago, US.


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